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October 28, 2008

My Favorite Halloween Experience

My favorite Halloween experience was last year because we had a lot of fun. I went with a group of four, Josh Barrett, Zach Carnovale, Bryan Jackisch and me. Zach and I live in Canyon View which is perfect for candy.
I started off with Brian at my house and we met up with Zach and Josh about ten minutes later. That night I was a little nauseous because on Halloween my mom always makes mini pizzas and I ate too many. Anyway the group went down the street to Greens who was the first house we ding dong ditched. We were laughing so hard and eventually came back to our house in like five minutes. There we experienced the best part of Halloween.
My brother was sitting outside with his friend Emily, she goes to my church. My brother sat there with his paintball gun and the candy bowl so I walk up there take some candy and leave and so does Zach and Brian but Josh was the stupid one. Josh said to Jon, “Can you show me how to shoot that?” Of course my brother said yes so he showed him and gave him some candy. Josh walked away and Jon said, “Here’s an example” and he shoots Josh right behind his knee. I couldn’t stop laughing.
For Halloween I wore a Tigger costume and I could run in it very easily. Brian at first wore a blowup horse outfit that he took off after two houses and changed into a basketball player. Both Zach and Josh were poorly outfitted football players but the outfits worked.
Lat year for Halloween I had so much fun with my friends. I hope/think this year will be way better than last year though. This year I‘m going to be Tigger.

October 15, 2008

My Favorite Fall Activity

I have many different favorite fall activities but my definate favorite is Basketball. I like basketball because it is very challenging to make a basket. I also like this sport because all of my family love to play and watch it also. My brother Tim played division III college basketball and was very good. Tim played college basketball at Baptist Bible College and had so much fun. My other brother Andy plays college basketball too. Andy plays for Grove City College which is a division III school just like Tim. My sister Sandy played college basketball at the same school as Andy but she graduated earlier. She was the all time leading blocker until 2 years ago. My brother Jon is in High School and he is a senior. I play basketball with Travel and now I play on the 7th grade team. As you can see basketball is one of my favorite things to do.
Our family doesn't like to play basketball just for competition we also like to play outside in our driveway. We always play basketball when my siblings are home. Usually I try to play on Tim's team because he can dunk the ball. Dunking is when you slam the ball through the rim while hanging on to the rim.
Our family loves to watch basketball on TV, especially the Cleveland Cavaliers. My favorite basketball player is Steve Nash because his stroke is so smooth and he makes the shot most of the time. My family and I like to watch college basketball too. I like to cheer on the Duke Blue Devils and the Ohio State Buckeyes. My favorite college basketball player is DJ Augustin from Texas University. He is such a fast guard and he runs the court very well. My family and I love the sport of basketball.

September 30, 2008

Free Write #1

Free Write #1
By: Josh O’Keefe
If I could choose sameness or difference I would definitely pick sameness. I would pick sameness for many reasons including no war, no social classes (judging people) and many other reasons. Without war this world’s population will rise and our lifestyles will be more advanced with the extra amount of research. Also without war people wouldn’t have to worry about their country getting bombed and not having to worry about dying or getting hurt. This world would be so much better without social classes in many ways. For one reason is people will not get bullied for how poor or rich they are. Another thing is that kids won’t have to deal with racism because everybody is in the same social class. I would change sameness for a couple different reasons though. With sameness you are assigned a wife and you don’t get to pick. This is a problem because you don’t actually love the person. Also with sameness your family is not biological the birthmothers have children and they never meet them. I would not like this because then you would know that they are not related to you at all.

Even though I would rather have sameness I still like being different then everybody else. I like how in our society that we are allowed to marry anyone we want if they want to marry you. Since we are allowed to marry anyone we want we can have our own kids. I also like that your family is related to you. In difference everyone has their own unique self and ways they run their life. Like some people love life with all their life and some are ok with their lives. One thing I don’t like about difference is that people get made fun of for what they own and who they are related to. I hope this Free Write has helped you change your mind about sameness and difference.

Free Write #1 that is GRADED!

Okay here is your first official assignment on the blog that will be graded. It is a free write and is worth 10 points. (just like we do them in class) The catch with this one is that you will have one week to do it. It will be due next Tuesday, October 7th. A good trick is to type it in a word document and then paste it over to your blog. Don't post your response until you are done. You can save it as a draft until you are finished. If you don't have internet at home come see me at some point today. You also have to have at least 300 words (This post right here is about 100 words) I expect most of you to exceed this amount. Good luck! Comment on this post if you have any problems.Topic: Sameness and Difference. What is good about it? What is bad about it? What could be changed? Use what you know about our society and Jonas's society to write your entry.

September 24, 2008

Million Dollars

If I had a million dollars I would use every penny of it! The first thing I would do is buy a house for me and this will run me about 500,000. After I have a house I am going to buy a porsche that will run me at leat 50,000. After buying that I would invest in a Toilet company because toilets are cool. My toilet will be different because the water will flow counterclockwise not clockwise and it will be awesome. That will give me an extra amount of money to spend. After that I will try to start a foster child home and give all kids homes in my awesome estate. With money I can achieve my dream. -Josh O'Keefe

September 23, 2008

I am the coolest blogger in the whole world!!!

Favorite Vacation Spots

  • Baptist Bible College, Clark Summit, Pennsylvania
  • Grove City College, Grove City, Pennsylvania
  • New York City, New York
  • Pink Shell, Ft. Myers Beach, Florida
  • Disney World, Orlando, Florida