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September 30, 2008

Free Write #1 that is GRADED!

Okay here is your first official assignment on the blog that will be graded. It is a free write and is worth 10 points. (just like we do them in class) The catch with this one is that you will have one week to do it. It will be due next Tuesday, October 7th. A good trick is to type it in a word document and then paste it over to your blog. Don't post your response until you are done. You can save it as a draft until you are finished. If you don't have internet at home come see me at some point today. You also have to have at least 300 words (This post right here is about 100 words) I expect most of you to exceed this amount. Good luck! Comment on this post if you have any problems.Topic: Sameness and Difference. What is good about it? What is bad about it? What could be changed? Use what you know about our society and Jonas's society to write your entry.

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  • Baptist Bible College, Clark Summit, Pennsylvania
  • Grove City College, Grove City, Pennsylvania
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  • Disney World, Orlando, Florida